Thursday, February 3, 2011

Subdued Excitement

Sooooooo, we've moved into our new flat. It's a really nice space and we are quite happy to be in it, but there are a few things that are keeping our excitement at bay. Our landlord is relatively nice--bit of a slick talker he is--and we didn't go through what we were going to be getting in the way of services in the flat with a fine tooth comb. One would expect that the washer/dryer was a washer dryer combo, when being told it was a washer dryer combo, and that it was not just a washer. When we asked how much the previous tenant payed for Internet and phone, were told a price, but not that it was a mobile and mobile broadband, and that there actually isn't a phone line installed in the flat (which costs 120 pounds to get put in). Who knew that a couch actually meant 'loveseat'? It has great natural light during the day, at night...well, let's just say I might have cooked dinner last night with my headlamp on. Ahhh well. We only signed a three month lease, so unless it turns out that we can't find anything else, we may be moving again shortly. The place really is nice though---this is the only picture I have so far.

Oh well, lesson learned. I'll have mores photos of the place in the next post. One really nice thing is it was kind of the opposite of what we expected in that it was much bigger than we remembered. There is lots of room for people to come and visit!

My favoritie thing (Itzzz vurrryy guuuudd) is we finally live in the city and have access to things (but still no grocery stores). No longer is our only entertainment taking pictures of really nice sandwiches or Manny Cats.

In the limbo days at the hotel before we moved in, Heather and I were able to get out and explore our city a little bit. We went to the Manchester Art Gallery and splurged on the admission price (free). It was a pretty cool museum. There were a large number of OK pre-Raphaelites, which were big and grandiose, but kind of boring, a great Manchester pop-art exhibit, and really cool Impressionist style turn of the century Manchester paintings---think Monets and substitute the color and fields with brick, canals, and lots of fog.

The highlight was the rotating exhibit by Raphael Lozano-Hemmer, a Mexican-Canadian artist. It was really cool, modern, and interactive, which I like. Here we are interacting:

Here are some other people interacting:

It's too bad that we can't go back all the time because it's too expensive. Maybe is people come to visit us, we'll treat them. Will bribes work on you people?

We also ended up at a diner drinking really awful coffee trying to smile with our eyes, like Tyra taught us to. I think I was better.

So, all is well. We are sorting out internet access issues at our place, so our email contact might have been/will be a bit sporadic for the next week or so. I'll get some pics up of the rest of the house soon.

Ohhh, I've also been going through and organizing our old digital photo albums (what else am I going to do, right?) and am now including a new section to the Canadian Mancunian called "Blast-er from the Past-er"! Just some of our good photos from the past little while.


Ok--Bye for now.


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